
We Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (Asian/Pacific Americans for short) come from more than 20 different countries, and most of us are the children or grandchildren of immigrants.


The Asian American and Pacific Islander population has grown significantly since immigration laws were changed in 1965 (thanks to Lyndon B. Johnson and others!). Now, the largest groups of Asian/Pacific Americans come from China, the Philippines, India, Japan, Vietnam, Korea and Hawaii.

Hate Crimes

We do not have official data for 2020 or 2021 yet, but official (and incomplete) data from 1996 through 2019 indicates that hate crimes against Asians are uncommon compared to other groups.

Immigration Restrictions

In the early 20th century, immigration from Asia was restricted. See if you would have been allowed to immigrate to the United States a generation or two ago.

Where We Are and Were

Every single state (but Hawaii) has seen its share of Asian Pacific Americans increase significantly from 1980 (the time of Minari and This is Us’s episode about Randall’s mother) to 2010.