Interview Outline - Adult Life

Here are sample questions to ask your parent or grandparent.

  • Work

    • What jobs did you have before coming to the United States?

      • How did you get each job?

      • How long did you stay in each job?

      • Why did you leave each job?

    • What jobs have you had in the United States?

      • How did you get each job?

      • How long did you stay in each job?

      • Why did you leave each job?

      • What if any problems or difficulties in this job did you face because of your being an immigrant or Asian-American?

  • Marriage

    • How did you get engaged, and how was that different from how your parents (or I) got engaged?

      • Was your marriage arranged?

    • How did you get married, and how was that different from how your parents (or I) got married? 

      • Was there anyone else whom you proposed to or who proposed to you? 

  • Parenthood

    • Why did you have kids when you did, and not sooner or later? 

    • How did you decide what languages your kids (or I) should learn?

    • What did you want or hope your kids’ lives to be like when they grew up?

    • What limits did you think your kids would face growing up in the United States?  Do you think you were right or wrong about those limits?

  • Religion

    • What were your religious beliefs or practices before you came to the United States?

    • How were your religious beliefs similar to or different from your parents’ (or mine)?

    • How did your religious beliefs or practices change when you were in the United States?

    • How did you decide on any churches you belonged to?  Why them and not another?

  • Politics

    • What were the big political issues before you came to the United States?

    • How were your political views similar to or different from your parents’ (or mine)?

    • How did your political views change when you were in the United States?