Interview Outline - Immigration

Here are sample questions to ask your parent or grandparent.

  • When did you (or our family) come to the United States? 

  • What was the basis for you (or the first person in the family) getting to America?  The law changed in 1965 making it possible for more people to come from Asia.  Most Asian-Americans in the United States either immigrated because of the change in law, or are descended from people who immigrated because of the change in law.

  • How did you get to America and what luggage did you have when you came to the United States? 

  • How did you expect to be treated in the United States as an immigrant, and were you surprised or disappointed by what actually happened? 

  • What strangers helped you (or our family) get started or settled in America?  No one does this alone.

  • When you arrived in the United States, did you expect this to be a permanent move?

  • What did you give up to become an American? 

  • How and how often did you communicate with the relatives who stayed behind? 

  • Did you consider going back at any point? 

  • Citizenship

    • How did you become a U.S. citizen, or why have you not become a citizen?

    • What did becoming a U.S. citizen mean for your citizenship? 

    • When was the first time that you voted in a U.S. election?  Why then and not sooner?  Asian-American voter turnout is generally considered very low compared to other groups.