Interview Outline - Family

Here are sample questions to ask your parent or grandparent.

  • What did your father do for a living?  How did he come to that work? 

    • Did he ever serve in the military?  Many Asian countries have compulsory military service, unlike the United States. 

  • What did your mother do for a living?  How did she come to that work?

  • How did your parents get engaged and married? 

    • Was it arranged?  Arranged marriages were more common in the early 20th century.

    • Was it a first marriage for both? 

  • How was their marriage similar or different from yours (or mine)?  How well did your parents get along? 

  • How many brothers and sisters did your father have?  Where was your father in the birth order?  What was his relationship like with them?  Many countries have recognized some form of primogeniture, which gives preference to the eldest male.   

  • How many brothers and sisters did your mother have?  Where was your mother in the birth order?  What was her relationship like with them?

  • What do you know or remember about your grandparents? 

    • What did they do for a living? 

    • Who took care of them?

    • When did they pass away?

  • After we’re done today, can you create a family tree?  Just cover what you remember.