Interview Outline - Childhood
Here are sample questions to ask your parent or grandparent.
When were you born?
As far as you know, is your legal birthday the same as the day you were born? If not, why not? Recordkeeping may not have been up to modern standards, and there may have been reasons why an earlier or later birthday could have been advantageous.
How were you born? Were you born in a hospital or somewhere else?
How did you get your name? Did you ever have a different name? If so, why?
Where were you in terms of birth order?
How many brothers and sisters did you have?
What part of the country were you born in?
Urban or rural?
What is the name of the region, and what is it known for?
Can you describe the first house you remember growing up in?
How was it different from your house now?
When and how did you learn to read? What did you like to read?
What did you do for fun?
What did you typically eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner?
What kind of treats did you have?
How is the way your parents raised you similar or different from how you raised me (or your kids)?
Were your parents religious? How were their religious beliefs similar or different to yours?
Were your parents involved in politics? This question can open up a lot of country-specific questions. Many countries had independence movements prior to World War II, and many countries had student protests.