Interview Outline - Objects

A good way to do an interview, especially if you have not done one before, is to ask your parent or grandparent to explain the story behind some objects. Here are five good examples to use.

  • Naturalization certificate.  This probably is one of the most important documents that an immigrant can have, and it did not come easy. This should show when and where your parent became a citizen and it should have a photograph of your parent at that time. When did you come to the United States and when did you become a citizen? Why then and not another time?

  • Family tree.  Ask your parent to draw a family tree beforehand, or do it together as part of the interview.  This should inspire some conversation about who everyone is, and it will be a useful object to keep in the future.

  • Last photo before coming to the United States and/or first photo in the United States.  Taking photographs used to be a lot harder than it is now - each shot required film, developing, and printing, but people took photographs for special occasions. This could be a nice way to capture an important milestone in your parent’s life.  What was it like leaving their country of birth?  What was it like arriving in the United States?

  • Wedding photo.  Who was at the wedding?  Why?  How was the wedding similar or different to a modern wedding?

  • Your first birthday photo.  Who was there?  Why?  How was the celebration similar or different from a modern birthday party?